Sunday, 24 January 2016


Starving: to die from lack of food.

Convict: a person found guilty of a crime and serving a sentence in prison.

Knit: to make a fabric by joining or interlocking loops of yarn by hand with knitting needles or by machine.

Hanging: the act of instance of executing a condemned prisoner by suspension by the neck from a noose until dead.

To get rid of: to become free of.

Nightmare: a frightening or terrifying dream that produces feelings of great fear and anxiety.


Baldheaded: a person without hair in his or her head.

Regret: to feel sorrow or remorse for.

Clause: a group of words containing a subject and predicate and forming either a part of a sentence or a whole simple sentence.

Tender: soft or delicate in substance.

Tough: difficult to chew, not tender.

Wrinkles: a small crease in the skin.

Delusion: a false belief or opinion.

Self-esteem: a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself.

Crave: want greately.

Isolation: to set or place apart.

Glistening: shining.

Dumb: stupid, silly.

Chill: a feeling or sensation of cold.

Skipping: the act of jumping over a rope that is held and swung either by the person jumping or by two other people, as a game or for exercise.

Hopscotch: a game in which a child hops around a diagram drawn on the pavement to pick up a small object, as a stone or stick, that was previously thrown down in one part of the diagram.